


Cupping therapy is an alternative therapy that involves placing cups on the skin to create suction. While cupping is primarily known for its benefits in promoting blood circulation, relieving muscle tension, and reducing pain, there are indirect ways in which it may contribute to improved skin health.

Increased Blood Flow

Cupping creates suction, which can stimulate blood flow to the treated areas. Improved blood circulation delivers oxygen, nutrients, and immune cells to the skin, supporting its overall health and vitality.


Cupping is believed to help release toxins and metabolic waste products from the tissues. By promoting detoxification, cupping may contribute to clearer and healthier-looking skin.

Lymphatic Drainage

Cupping may stimulate the lymphatic system, aiding in the removal of excess fluids and waste products from the skin. Improved lymphatic drainage can help reduce swelling and promote a healthier complexion.

Tissue Oxygenation

Enhanced blood flow and improved circulation through cupping can increase tissue oxygenation. Well-oxygenated skin cells are more likely to function optimally, contributing to a healthier appearance.

Collagen Production

Cupping therapy is thought to stimulate the production of collagen, a protein that provides structure and elasticity to the skin. Increased collagen production can contribute to skin firmness and a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Cupping therapy is often associated with relaxation and stress reduction. Lower stress levels can positively impact the skin by reducing the likelihood of stress-related skin issues such as acne or flare-ups of certain skin conditions.

Stress Reduction

The suction created by cupping may help remove debris and excess oil from the pores. This cleansing effect can potentially contribute to clearer skin and a reduction in the appearance of blackheads.

Pore Cleansing

Promotion of Healing

Cupping is believed to enhance the body's natural healing processes. By improving blood flow and nutrient delivery to the skin, cupping may support the healing of wounds, scars, and other skin imperfections.

Key Info

It's important to note that while Cupping may offer some potential benefits for the skin, individual responses can vary. Additionally, Cupping therapy should be performed by trained and qualified practitioners to ensure safety and effectiveness. As with any alternative therapy, individuals interested in Cupping for skin health should consult with healthcare professionals or licensed practitioners to determine its suitability for their specific needs and conditions.

Jane Melling


Having battled AS and Fibromyalgia for eight years, Jane sought alternatives to traditional treatments that brought adverse side effects. Frustrated with constant pain and medication fatigue, she discovered the transformative effects of Hijama cupping therapy. Impressed by the results — better sleep, reduced pain, and improved cognitive function Jane embarked on a journey to become a qualified practitioner. Now, her mission is to guide others toward pain-free, healthier lives through personalised treatments, ensuring every individual feels heard and comfortable on their wellness journey.

  • £30.00 (30 mins)

    An ancient, traditional Chinese medicine that has been practised in the East for at least three thousand years. Cups are applied to the acupuncture points of Qi and blood both locally, and the organs are activated by the points. During this procedure a vacuum is created into the cups, bringing blood and lymph into a specific area. This promotes circulation and healing.

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  • £40.00 (45 mins)

    An ancient, traditional Chinese medicine that has been practised in the East for at least three thousand years. Cups are applied to the acupuncture points of Qi and blood both locally, and the organs are activated by the points. During this procedure a vacuum is created into the cups, bringing blood and lymph into a specific area. This promotes circulation and healing.

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  • £40.00 (30 mins)

    An ancient procedure practised widely throughout the Middle East. Hijama cupping is comparable to dry cupping except it goes one step further. In this method, a medically safe surgical blade is used to break the surface of the skin. The cup is reapplied. Harmful toxins in the blood gradually seep out of the body inside of the suctioned cup.

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  • £60.00 (45 mins)

    Standard IV rehydration treatment with many benefits. A treatment to rebalance the body with fluids and electrolytes. Being well hydrated helps with kidney function, muscle and joint health and skin elasticity. The Infusion Boost will give you the uplift to help you feel vibrant.

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  • £75.00 (1 hour)

    An ancient procedure practised widely throughout the Middle East. Hijama cupping is comparable to dry cupping except it goes one step further. In this method, a medically safe surgical blade is used to break the surface of the skin. The cup is reapplied. Harmful toxins in the blood gradually seep out of the body inside of the suctioned cup.

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