Oxygen Infusion



Oxygen Infusion, also referred to as Oxygen Facial or Oxygen Therapy, is a cosmetic procedure designed to rejuvenate the skin by delivering highly concentrated oxygen to its deeper layers using an Oxygen Dome. This treatment is often combined with custom-formulated serums containing beneficial ingredients, enhancing its overall effectiveness. Oxygen Infusion is favoured for its ability to hydrate, nourish, and revitalise the skin, making it suitable for a variety of skin types.


During Oxygen Infusion, the Oxygen Dome promotes enhanced hydration by infusing the skin with moisture, leaving it plump, radiant, and refreshed. The increased oxygen levels contribute to improved blood circulation, promoting a healthy glow. Additionally, Oxygen Infusion is known for its potential to stimulate collagen production, helping reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin elasticity, and rejuvenate the complexion. Oxygen Infusion is quick, non-invasive, and is known for addressing concerns such as dryness, dullness, and fine lines.


Oxygen Infusion is favoured for its deep-cleansing properties, aiding in unclogging pores and removing impurities and excess oil from the skin. This aspect is particularly beneficial for individuals with acne-prone or congested skin, as it can help reduce breakouts and promote a clearer complexion.

The overall experience of Oxygen Infusion is characterised by a calming and soothing effect on the skin. It is often considered suitable for individuals with sensitive or irritated skin, helping reduce redness and inflammation and promoting a more balanced and even skin tone.

Key Info

While Oxygen Infusion offers numerous benefits, it may not be suitable for everyone due to individual skin sensitivities and specific skin conditions. Oxygen Infusion involves delivering a stream of pressurised oxygen, along with vitamins and nutrients, to the skin's surface, promoting hydration and rejuvenation. However, individuals with certain skin conditions such as rosacea or eczema may find the treatment too harsh and exacerbate their symptoms. Moreover, those allergic to any of the components used in the infusion may experience adverse reactions. Additionally, individuals with respiratory issues or a history of lung problems may need to avoid Oxygen Infusion. It's essential for individuals considering Oxygen Infusion to consult with a skincare professional to assess their skin condition and determine if the treatment is suitable for them.