iS Clinical Prodigy Peel



Unlike milder skin peels the iS Clinical Prodigy Peel penetrates to deeper levels of the skin and are pharmaceutical grade. The Prodigy Peel Systems consists of 2 Levels of skin peel it is an advanced skincare treatment designed to address various skin concerns and promote skin rejuvenation. This professional peel is part of the iS Clinical line and is known for its potent formulation that includes a combination of exfoliating agents, antioxidants, and botanical extracts. The iS Clinical Prodigy Peel is often performed to improve skin texture, reduce signs of aging, and enhance overall skin health.


The iS Clinical Prodigy Peel involves the application of a specialised solution to the skin, featuring a blend of alpha and beta hydroxy acids (AHAs and BHAs), retinol, and antioxidants. This potent combination works to exfoliate the outer layer of the skin, promoting cellular turnover and collagen synthesis. The treatment typically begins with thorough skin cleansing, followed by the application of the peel solution. Depending on the specific needs of the client, the solution may be left on the skin for a designated time, and the process may include multiple layers. The skincare professional will then apply post-peel products to soothe and protect the skin.

Post treatment

It is normal to experience some redness immediately after the treatment, this will subside within a few hours or a couple of days depending on skins sensitivity and the intensity of the peel. Peels are designed to exfoliate the outermost layer of the skin so you may experience some peeling or flaking in the days following the treatment. This is a natural part of the skin’s rejuvenation process. Expect a longer and more intense peeling after the P3.


The iS Clinical Prodigy Peel offers several rewards for the skin. The exfoliation process helps reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation, leading to improved skin texture and a more even tone. The combination of active ingredients contributes to increased collagen production, promoting skin firmness and elasticity. Many clients experience a rejuvenated and revitalised complexion, with minimised signs of ageing and enhanced overall skin radiance. The iS Clinical Prodigy Peel is often associated with a more youthful and refreshed appearance.

Differences between P2 and P3

Depth of penetration: The P2 is a medium-depth peel while P3 is a deeper peel.

Intensity and strength: The P2 is less intense and has a milder formulation compared to the P3. The P3 is designed to provide a more aggressive exfoliation and skin rejuvenation.

Treatment areas: The P2 is typically recommended for treating mild to moderate skin concerns, such as fine lines and wrinkles, uneven texture and pigmentation issues. The P3 is often used for more severe skin conditions including deep wrinkles, acne scars and sun damage

Downtime and recovery: Due to the deeper penetration and increased intensity of P3 it generally requires a longer downtime and recovery period compared to P2. The P3 may result in more significant peeling, redness and discomfort during the healing process.

Key Info

While the iS Clinical Prodigy Peel is effective for many, it may not be suitable for everyone. Clients with extremely sensitive skin, open wounds, or active skin infections should avoid this peel until their skin has healed. Those with allergies to specific skincare ingredients used in the peel should inform their skincare professional to prevent potential adverse reactions. Not suitable for pregnant women. Clients using certain prescription medications or undergoing specific dermatological treatments may need to avoid or postpone the iS Clinical Prodigy Peel to prevent interactions or complications.