Limelight IPL



Discover the transformative power of LimeLight IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) treatment, a non-invasive solution for skin revitalisation. Designed to address skin tone irregularities and surface imperfections associated with ageing and sun damage, this innovative procedure offers a versatile approach to rejuvenation. From sunspots to Rosacea symptoms, LimeLight IPL can be tailored to target various concerns, delivering remarkable results with minimal downtime.


Experience the cutting-edge technology of LimeLight IPL as it gently penetrates your skin, targeting pigmented spots and red areas with precision. By generating heat within the dermis, the laser stimulates collagen regeneration, effectively reducing redness and improving overall skin tone. Whether you're seeking to diminish sun damage, freckles, or uneven pigmentation, this customisable treatment offers a comprehensive solution for a brighter, more radiant complexion.

The most sun-kissed areas — your face, chest, shoulders, and arms — are prime candidates for this transformative experience. With each pulse of light, you may feel a mild, brief pinching sensation, quickly fading as you step back into your day, ready to embrace the world with renewed confidence. You can immediately return to normal activities, utilising sunscreen if participating in outdoor activities.


Embrace the benefits of LimeLight IPL and a newfound confidence in your skin. Watch as sun damage fades, redness diminishes, and fine lines soften, revealing a complexion that exudes youthfulness and vitality. With each session, experience a gradual yet remarkable improvement in skin texture and tone, leaving you with a luminous glow that captivates and inspires.

Key Info

Start your journey to luminous skin with LimeLight IPL with an in-depth Laser Consultation led by our experienced skin therapists. Following a patch test to assess your skin's unique response, we will craft a bespoke treatment plan tailored precisely to your needs and aspirations. While the magic of LimeLight IPL may work wonders in just one or two sessions, we may recommend additional treatments for those seeking to address more extensive concerns.

Temporary redness and darkening of brown spots fade within hours to reveal a creamier, healthier complexion so you can step back into your routine. While individual results may seem subtle, the transformative impact of multiple treatments can be truly remarkable, leaving you with diminished imperfections and radiant skin.